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Get ready for the big final!

3 reasons why you should visit this historical city

We’re heading to Congonhas/MG (Brazil) on Saturday, November 24 for the final round of this year’s UCI MTB Eliminator World Cup. A ‘sneaky circuit’ awaits the riders for this year’s big final with start and finish set to take place at UNESCO’s masterpiece ‘Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas’.

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3 reasons why you should visit Congonhas:

1. Perfect place for mountain biking

Congonhas (Minas Gerais) is a traditional place for mountain biking. In collaboration with Copa Internacional MTB, a historic edition in the Brazilian highlands is set to take place. CIMTB is known for its Cross-Country Marathon (XCM) series, as part of UCI’s international calendar. This year, CIMTB brings the first UCI MTB XCE World Cup ever to South-America.

2. Open for all ages

The Eliminator series are open for all ages!. Even amateur riders will get the chance to compete on the same circuit as the professional athletes! The pro race is open for anyone above 17 years of age (both men and women)

3. Get a taste of its culture

Congonhas/MG has some of the most important work of Baroque art and architecture, including the Basilica do Senhor Bom Jesus Matosinhos. Situated in a valley and surrounding by impressive mountains, this beautiful cathedral offers an amazing view of Congonhas.

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